Cliftonville IPS is a school for children from different backgrounds, cultures and religions. A
journey where tolerance is nurtured and diversity celebrated. A journey where our troubled
past makes way for a shared future. Cliftonville aims to make a difference to the society that
we live in and providing children with the best opportunities for their development
academically, socially, emotionally and societally.
The school is an outward looking, community orientated school that embraces the families
they serve and attempts to build relationships with all organisations that strive to make
Northern Ireland a better place for us all to live and to ensure that society here is never torn
apart again and descends into the abyss of sectarianism. Cliftonville IPS, sees its civic duty to
help ensure that we leave this world in a better place than how we found it by leading,
listening and learning together.
For further information please click: https://www.cliftonvilleps.co.uk